TARGET GROUP Personnel who will be working in the wind industry or related fields and will have their duties in a wind turbine environment, usually in physical contact with a wind turbine or an offshore wind structure. Personnel that perform job functions that have been risk assessed by their employer or their workplace duty holder as a function, where training according to one or more modules of the BST standard may mitigate of the identified risks.
OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE The aim of this BST Module is to enable participants to administer safe and effective First Aid in the wind turbine industry/WTG environment, in accordance with GWO First Aid training through theoretical and practical training. Furthermore, this training will enable the participant to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and use an automated external defibrillator (AED). The BST First Aid Module shall ensure that:
The participants are able to demonstrate an understanding of the importance of carrying out First Aid in a safe and sound manner, in accordance with the legislative requirements of their geographic location and according to the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) hereunder the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) and American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines (L2 – Knowledge);
The participants are able to identify and explain normal function, normal signs and symptoms of injuries and illness related to the human body (L1 – Skills & Knowledge);
The participants are able to demonstrate understanding and correct order of management in an emergency situation in a Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) environment (L3 – Skills & Knowledge);
The participants are able to demonstrate correct use of lifesaving First Aid using the primary survey “C” – A - B - C including the use of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) (L3 – Skills);
The participants are able to demonstrate correct use of the Secondary Survey (L3 – Skills);
The participants are able to demonstrate correct use of Primary and Secondary Survey including the use of First Aid equipment in a First Aid scenario (L3 – Skills).
APPROVAL Global Wind Organisation (GWO).
STUDENT FEEDBACK MARK Average student feedback mark for training course GWO BST First Aid (Riga): 4.79 Average student feedback mark for training course GWO BST First Aid (Klaipeda): 4.78
Lesson 1 - Introduction;
Lesson 2 - Risks/Hazards/Legislation;
Lesson 3 - Anatomy;
Lesson 4 - Management of an incident;
Lesson 5 - Lifesaving First Aid Using Primary Survey (“C”-A - B - C);
Lesson 6 - Secondary Survey;
Lesson 7 - Scenario-Based Training;
Lesson 8 - Evaluation.
Trainees wishing to enter this course should be medically fit and capable of fully participating.
Participation in a course according to the GWO standards requires a special identification number for each participant. Each person must have this so-called “WINDA identification number (WINDA-ID)”.
Please register yourself or your employees with the Global Wind Organisation and provide us with your WINDA-ID or enter it directly when registering in our training portal. Registering for your WINDA-ID is very simple and only requires you to enter your name. Register now
Theoretical tasks with presentations and visualizations
Group workshops
Case studies
Practical exercises in workshops
Practical exercises using real life equipment
Professional instructors with industry experience
COURSE LIMITATIONS The maximum number of participants – 12 persons.