
Resource Management

Description of the course
Target group
Crew/Maritime Resource Management is a training course developed especially for shore manning officers and their representatives.
Objectives of the course
The objective of this course is to introduce the main tenets of resource management and to provide a training environment where delegates can develop their non-technical skills in order to enhance the operational safety and efficiency on company vessels. Program can be tailored to specific shipping company operations.

The program meets the newest requirements of STCW Convention related to “Resource Management” and “Application of leadership and teamworking skills” (Section A-II/1; A- III/1), as well as “Use of leadership and managerial skills” (Section A-II/2; A-III/2).
Course contents
The Competence upgrading course divided on three sections and covers topics in the following areas:
  • Introduction;
  • Attitude and management skills;
  • Communication and Briefing;
  • Authority and assertiveness;
  • Challenge and response;
  • Workload, State of the ship;
  • Crisis and crowd management;
  • Leadership in emergencies;
  • Cultural awareness;
  • Automation awareness;
  • Human involvement in error;
  • Short term strategy;
  • Judgment and decision making;
  • Management styles;
  • Final exercise.
Duration of the training course
The duration of the Maritime Resource Management training course is 4 working days.
The price is 1100 EUR.
Certificate validity
Certificate validity is unlimited.
Entry standards
Trainees wishing to enter this course should have a minimum certificate of competence as officer in charge of a navigational watch or officer in charge of an engineering watch.
Riga, Latvia
Course limitations:
The maximum number of participants – 10 persons:
  • 5 Navigational Officers
  • 4 Engineer Officers
  • 1 Office Representative

The minimum number of participants – 4 persons:
  • 2 Navigational Officers
  • 2 Engineer Officers
Training approaches and equipment:
During training course theoretical lessons are given using PowerPoint presentations, practical tasks are conducted on the latest version of Engine Room Simulator developed by Transas – NT-PRO 5000; ERS 5000. During the training course a lot of different case-studies are used for practical exercises as well.

The course is approved by Latvian Maritime Administration and Swedish Club.
Check the course days on our calendar
Course in pictures:
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