Description of the course
Target group
Personnel who will be working in the wind industry or related fields, and who will have duties to fulfil in a wind turbine environment, as well as usually being in physical contact with a wind farm environment or an offshore wind structure.
Personnel that is selected by their employer to perform Enhanced First Aid onshore or offshore, where training according to the GWO Enhanced First Aid training may enable them to react to incidents and thus mitigate the results of casualties deriving from the identified risks.
Objectives of the course
The aim of the module is to enable the Delegates to support and care for others working in the industry by possessing the knowledge, skills and attitude of Enhanced First Aid. Upon completion of the GWO EFA Delegates will be able to administer safe, effective and immediate lifesaving and enhanced first aid measures to save life and give assistance in remote areas using advanced emergency equipment and medical teleconsultation.

On completion of the GWO Enhanced First Aid the Delegates will be able:
  • Identifying and explaining normal function, normal signs and symptoms of serious and minor injuries and illness related to the human body;
  • Demonstrating understanding and correct order of management in an emergency situation in a Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) environment;
  • Delivering immediate enhanced first aid to stabilise the casualty, to include but not limited to:
– Stopping life-threatening bleeding,
– Establishing and maintaining an airway,
– Knowing the indications for and the use of Automated External Defibrillator (AED),
– Resuscitation,
– Using standardised methodologies, specifically the Primary and Secondary Survey – based on the “C”-A-B-C-D-E principle.
  • Assessing the casualty, for injury or acute illness, to determine if medical advice and external-to-incident support is required; to include but not limited to:
– Life-threatening bleeding, circulatory disorder,
– Impaired consciousness,
– Compromised airway, breathing, too slow or too fast – Immediate life-threatening illnesses and other health,
– Immediate life-threatening illnesses and other health, problems especially with severe pain;
  • Requesting telemedical consultation and medical/rescue assistance providing a concise and relevant report of the casualty’s condition and obtaining medical advice to further stabilise the casualty by using Telemedical consultation,
  • Requesting immediate medical/rescue assistance providing a concise and relevant report of the casualty’s condition,
  • Preparing the casualty for transfer to nominated evacuation/rescue point, including:
– Immobilisation where required or other non-medical mitigation e.g. cooling gels
– Understanding the complexity and restrictions of medical pain relief and the role of clinical governance in the control of medication
– Accompanying the casualty, if required, to suitable medical facility and formally hand over the casualty
– Escorting the casualty to the nominated evacuation/rescue point providing continued enhanced first aid
  • Acting as a leader in first aid situations,
  • Administering safe, effective and immediate lifesaving and enhanced first aid measures to save life and give assistance in remote areas using advanced emergency equipment and medical teleconsultation, while having particular regard for personal-protection.

The GWO Enhanced First Aid module is approved by Global Wind Organisation (GWO).
Student feedback mark
Average student feedback mark for training course GWO Enhanced First Aid (Riga): 5
Average student feedback mark for training course GWO Enhanced First Aid (Klaipeda): 4.48
Duration of the training course
3 days.
390 EUR per person.
Certificate validity
Certificate is valid 2 years.
Course contents
  • Introduction;
  • Risks/Hazards/Legislation;
  • Anatomy;
  • Management of an incident – National Emergency Response – Medical Teleconsultation;
  • Lifesaving and Enhanced First Aid using Primary and Secondary Survey;
  • Pain management and further possible medication;
  • Evaluation.
Entry standards
Trainees wishing to enter this course should be medically fit and capable of fully participating.
GWO Enhanced First Aid
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