This programme FOET (CA-EBS) is designed to meet the further offshore safety and emergency response training requirements for personnel working in the offshore oil and gas industry who will be supplied with a compressed air emergency breathing system (CA-EBS) during offshore helicopter travel.
The aim of the FOET (with CA-EBS) is to provide the delegates with the opportunity to practise and demonstrate emergency response skills which are not possible to practise during drills, exercises and emergency training offshore.
The objectives of the FOET (with CA-EBS) are that delegates will be able to:
Demonstrate, in a simulated environment, that they can use the safety equipment and follow procedures in preparing for and during helicopter emergencies – with particular focus on escaping from a helicopter following ditching;
Demonstrate that they can use basic firefighting equipment effectively, and use selfrescue techniques in low visibility and completely obscured visibility situations e.g. smoke filled areas;
Demonstrate that they can perform basic first aid.
Offshore Petroleum Industry Training Organization (OPITO)
1.Helicopter Safety and Escape
Use of Compressed Air Breathing System (CA-EBS) Training staff will explain:
The principles of compressed air emergency breathing systems (CA-EBS);
The principles of other typical emergency breathing systems (EBS) used in the oil and gas industry (i.e. re-breather systems);
The components and elements of the CA-EBS;
The operation of the compressed air EBS equipment in conjunction with other survival equipment;
The hazards associated with compressed air EBS.
Training staff will explain and demonstrate and delegate will demonstrate:
The pre-donning checks on the life jacket and compressed air EBS;
How to don the life jacket complete with compressed air EBS;
Deployment of CA-EBS.
2. Practical helicopter escape techniques
Following explanations and demonstration by training staff delegates will practise and demonstrate:
Donning of an aviation transit suit, an aviation lifejacket, compressed air emergency breathing system (CA-EBS) equipment and conducting integrity checks of the CA-EBS equipment, including buddy checks;
Deploying (left and right hand) and breathing from CA-EBS equipment at atmospheric pressure in dry conditions;
Actions to take in preparing for a helicopter emergency landing;
Following instruction from the crew, location of CA-EBS equipment and evacuation from a helicopter using a nominated exit, following a controlled emergency descent to a dry landing (conducted in helicopter simulator at poolside on dry land);
Actions to be taken in preparing for an in-water ditching including location of exit, deploying and breathing from CA-EBS equipment at atmospheric pressure in dry conditions (conducted in helicopter simulator at poolside on dry land);
Dry evacuation, using a nominated exit, to an aviation life raft from a helicopter ditched on water (and, on instructions from the aircrew, operation of a push out window), assisting others where possible and carrying out initial actions on boarding the aviation life raft, to include: mooring lines, deploying the sea anchor, raising the canopy and raft maintenance;
Escaping through a window opening which is underwater, from a partially submerged helicopter (without operation of a push out window);
Escaping through a window opening which is underwater, from a partially submerged helicopter (with operation of a push out window);
Escaping through a window opening which is underwater, from a capsized helicopter (without operation of a push out window);
Inflation of an aviation lifejacket, deployment of a spray visor and carrying out inwater procedures (including individual and group survival techniques) – swimming, HELP, towing, chain, huddle and circle;
Boarding of an aviation liferaft from the water;
Being rescued by one of the recognised methods available offshore.
3. Additional CA-EBS Training (In-Water) Following explanations and demonstration by training staff delegates will practise and demonstrate:
Deploying CA-EBS (above the water surface) and breathing from the CA-EBS in a pool, face down in shallow water;
Deploying CA-EBS (below the water surface, face down in a pool in shallow water) and clearing the mouthpiece by exhaling under the water surface;
Deploying CA-EBS (below the water surface, face down in a pool in shallow water, using opposite hand to previous exercise) and clearing with purge button under the water surface;
Deploying CA-EBS (above water surface), in a pool and breathing from CA-EBS underwater in a vertical position;
Deploying CA-EBS (underwater), in a pool and breathing from CA-EBS underwater in a vertical position;
Deploying CA-EBS (underwater), in a pool, breathing from CA-EBS underwater, and moving along a horizontal rail for a period of no less than 30 seconds, including a change in direction.
4. Firefighting and Self Rescue Basic Firefighting and Self-Rescue Techniques Following explanations and demonstration by training staff delegates will practise and demonstrate:
Raising the alarm on discovery of a fire;
The operation of hand held portable fire extinguishers in extinguishing Class A or Class B fires;
Self-rescue techniques with a smoke hood or partial blindfold from areas where delegate visibility is reduced;
Self-rescue techniques with a smoke hood from areas where delegate visibility is completely obscured;
Small group escape techniques with a smoke hood from areas where delegate visibility is completely obscured.
5. Emergency First Aid Emergency First Aid Techniques Training staff will explain:
First aid arrangements;
Types of injuries;
Prioritising Actions;
Immediate first aid actions prior to the arrival of the medic/first-aider.
Training staff will explain and demonstrate:
Raising the alarm;
Assessing the situation;
Checking the area is safe;
Checking airways, breathing and industry recognised first aid practice;
Putting casualty in the recovery position.
Delegate will practise and demonstrate:
Raising the alarm;
Assessing the situation;
Checking area is safe;
Industry recognised first aid practice.
Theoretical tasks with presentations and visualizations
Explanations and demonstrations using real equipment
Practical exercises using real life equipment and/or simulators
Professional instructors with industry experience
The course ratio are:
Theory – 16 participants on 1 instructor
Practice – 4 participants on 1 instructor
The duration of the training course is 1 day.
Riga, Latvia
Standart Price – 800 EUR per person. SPECIAL OFFER PRICE - 680 EUR per person
“If I am honest it is hard to imagine any other facility anywhere in the Baltic States which stands equal to Novikontas!
Shortly, it says that all. The quality of the equipment they offer and the training they give to their trainees are superb. I’ve also been very impressed by the Sea and Survival Simulation Theater.”
" Great training center! Gave me many new skills and abilities. Thank you instructors! "
" Many thanks to the teachers, instructors, and assistants for their excellent work in my training. There were a lot of interesting and memorable things that will help me a lot in my further work at sea. If all my studies were like that. "
" I want to thank the instructors! The courses were very clear and interesting. I think this is the result of their work. I also liked it, attitude, service, and organization, you are all just great! "