Offshore Blaster/Painter Initial Training

Description of the course
Course aim and objective
The aim and objective of the training programme is to give delegates a basic level of knowledge for working as an industrial blaster/painter.

To successfully complete this training, delegates must be able to:
(1) Identify potential hazards for blaster/sprayers
(2) Identify regulations governing contemporary practices
(3) Explain how to work safely incorporating risk assessments, PPE and HAVS exposure
(4) Explain how to work in confined spaces
(5) Describe how to protect adjacent surfaces & the environment
(6) Explain the power source/air supply for blasting & painting
(7) Describe common surfaces and the reasons for preparing a surface correctly
(8) Explain how to clean surfaces by hand or with power tools
(9) Identify equipment, abrasives & methods used in dry grit or wet slurry blasting
(10) Describe paint types and the importance of correctly mixing coatings and film thickness
(11) Identify brushes & rollers used for coating applications
(12) Describe airless or conventional paint sprayer systems
(13) Identify high-performance coatings for specialist applications
(14) Explain quality control for trainees
(15) Identify charge hand or supervisor’s roles & responsibilities

To successfully complete this training, delegates must be able to demonstrate:
(16) Preparing & working with due regard to a risk assessment
(17) Participation in a Tool Box Talk (18) Using PPE appropriate for the task
(19) Completing a HAVS Exposure Record Form
(20) Manual handling techniques for individuals & teams
(21) Masking surfaces
(22) Routine checks, setting up lines, start-up & shutdown of compressors
(23) Degreasing & cleaning surfaces
(24) Preparing surfaces using power tools
(25) Equipment & methods for abrasive blasting
(26) How to mix single & two pack coatings
(27) Applying paint to surfaces using a brush or roller
(28) Measuring wet film thickness with a wet film gauge
(29) Applying coatings using airless or conventional spraying equipment
(30) Applying a non-slip coating
Course contents
Blaster/Painter training course covers the following topics:

UNIT 1 – Introduction to Industrial Blasting & Painting
UNIT 2 – Working Safely
UNIT 3 – Compressor Awareness
UNIT 4 – Surface Preparation & Blasting
UNIT 5 – Painting & Coating
Target group
Blaster/Painter Training presents the core blasting, painting and spraying skills required by personnel who want to work as an industrial blaster/painter.

Novikontas Energy
Duration of the training course
The duration of Blaster/Painter Training Module is 3 day.

Practical-to-Theory ratio: 85% : 15%
The price is 980 EUR per person.
Certificate validity
Certificate is valid 4 years.
Delegate prerequisites
  • All Blaster/Painter Training participants shall be medically fit and capable of fully participating;
  • Medical screening: Completion of a self-declaration of medical fitness form.
Course limitations:
The maximum number of learners for the Blaster/Painter training programme is 4.
Riga, Latvia
Offshore Blaster/Painter Initial Training
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