Wire Rope Socketing Training Course

Description of the course
Target group
Those involved in the maintenance and socketing of wire ropes.
Course Aim and Objective
The aim of the course is to provide delegates with a thorough grounding of the legal requirements and safe working practices pertaining to resin socketing of wire ropes and to teach them the practical skills involved.

By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
  • Recognize various socketing applications;
  • Select the tools and equipment required for socketing;
  • Carry out preparation successfully;
  • Make suitable measurements;
  • Select a suitable socket for the job;
  • Mix resin;
  • Carry out resin socketing using approved methods and procedures.

Novikontas Energy
Course contents
Lesson 1 – Legal Requirements. A reference to all the legal documents underlining relevant responsibilities under the Health & Safety at Work Act, Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) and Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER);
Lesson 2 – Socketing Applications. An explanation of various relevant socketing applications. Factors influencing choice, assessing the operation and socket selection;
Lesson 3 – Socketing methods & procedures. Including preparation, measurements, serving etc.;
Lesson 4 – Mixing and pouring of Resin;
Lesson 5 – Socketing practices.
Duration of the training course
The duration of the training course is 1 day.
Training approaches and equipment:
  • Theoretical tasks with presentations and visualizations;
  • Group workshops;
  • Case studies;
  • Practical exercises in workshops;
  • Practical exercises using real life equipment;
  • Professional instructors with industry experience.
Course limitations:
The course ration are 6 participants on 1 instructor.
Riga, Latvia /
Klaipeda, Lithuania
Special Requirements
Please advise type, construction and size of wire rope/strand used, if known, prior to booking.
The price is 710 EUR per person.
Certificate validity
Certificate is valid 5 years.
Course in pictures:
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