Enclosed Space Entry and Rescue

Description of the course
Course contents
The Training course covers the following topics:
  • Legislative Requirements;
  • Recognition of Confined Spaces;
  • Ventilation;
  • Proper gas detection equipment and methods;
  • Personal Protective Equipment;
  • Hazard Control;
  • Atmospheric testing;
  • Rescue equipment and basic techniques;
  • Lock-out/Tag-out review;
  • Confined Space Permits;
  • Equipment selection, care and maintenance;
  • Roles and responsibilities;
  • Vertical Entry;
  • Use of gas detection;
  • Safe access and egress;
  • Use of emergency escape sets.
Learning outcomes
  • To correctly identify hazards and assess associated risks.
  • To demonstrate safe entering in confined space and emergency procedures for work at wind turbines
Riga, Latvia
Certificate validity
The price is 250 EUR.
Duration of the training course
The duration of the Confined Space Entry Course is 2 working days.
Target group
A one-day course which includes awareness and knowledge modules, instruction in the correct use of atmosphere testing equipment and self-rescue escape breathing apparatus. With practical exercises in the correct method of entry to a confined space and self-rescue.
Entry standards
Trainees wishing to enter this course should be medically fit and capable of fully participating. Trainees must also provide valid photographic ID such as a Passport or ID card. Trainees must be 18 years old or over.
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