Description of the course
Target group
GWO BSTr First Aid module is primarily intended for personnel already working in the wind industry or related fields needing to refresh their GWO BSTr First Aid.
Objectives of the course
  • Identify and explain normal function, normal signs and symptoms of injuries and illness related to the human body;
  • Demonstrate correct order of management in an emergency situation in a Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) environment;
  • Correct use of lifesaving First Aid using the Primary Survey “C” -A – B – C including the use of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED).

The GWO BSTr First Aid module is approved by Global Wind Organisation (GWO).
Student feedback mark
Average student feedback mark for training course GWO BSTR First Aid (Riga): 4.73
Average student feedback mark for training course GWO BSTR First Aid (Klaipeda): 4.86
Duration of the training course
  • 1 working day - Course fully at training centre
  • 3.5 h - Digital Delivery (e-learning + practice at training centre)
120 EUR per person.
Certificate validity
Certificate is valid 2 years.
Course contents
The First Aid Refresher training course covers the following topics:
  • Introduction;
  • Legislation/Risks/Hazards;
  • Anatomy;
  • Life-saving First Aid using Primary and Secondary Survey'
  • Themes;
  • Scenario-based training;
  • Evaluation.
Entry standards
Trainees wishing to enter this course should be medically fit and capable of fully participating.
They should also possess valid BST/ BSTr certificates or training records in WINDA for the First Aid module prior to attending BSTr First Aid training.
GWO BSTR First Aid
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