Target group The Basic Technical Training modules are targeted at candidates who have no previous experience of hydraulic, mechanical, electrical or installation systems, or working with energy powered bolt tightening, but may also be used to upskill candidates who have some knowledge but not of its application in wind turbines.
Course Aims and Objective The aim of the BTT Hydraulic Module is to give the participants the knowledge and skills to carry out basic hydraulic tasks (supervised by an experienced technician), using safe working procedures and the correct PPE.
After having successfully completed the BTT Hydraulic Module, participants will be able to:
Explain the basics of hydraulics (Knowledge, intermediate level);
Explain risks and hazards associated with hydraulic work (Knowledge, intermediate level);
Describe the function of different types of pumps (Knowledge, basic level);
Perform check of start/stop pressure of a pump (Skills, intermediate level);
Describe the function of different types of actuators (Knowledge, basic level);
Explain the function of different types of valves (Knowledge, intermediate level);
Describe the function of accumulators (Knowledge, basic level);
Perform check and pre-charge of accumulators (Skills, intermediate level);
Describe the function of different types of sensors (Knowledge, basic level);
Recognise the components that transfer the oil (Knowledge, basic level);
Describe the handling of oil procedures (Knowledge, basic level);
Recognise and find different components on a hydraulic diagram (Knowledge, basic level);
Perform the accurate measurement of the hydraulic pressure (Skills, intermediate level).
The GWO BTT Hydraulic Module is approved by Global Wind Organisation (GWO).
Student feedback mark Average student feedback mark for training course GWO BTT Hydraulic (Riga): 4.6
Duration of the training course The duration of BTTH Module is 1,5 days.
Price The price is 300 EUR per person.
The price for 3 BTT modules (Mechanical, Electrical and Hydraulic) is 800 EUR. Price for full 4 BTT modules (Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Bolt Tightening) is 1255 EUR. Price for full 5 BTT modules (Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic, Bolt Tightening and Installation) is 1905 EUR.
All personnel participating in Basic Technical Training shall be medically fit and capable of fully participating.
Participation in a course according to the GWO standards requires a special identification number for each participant. Each person must have this so-called “WINDA identification number (WINDA-ID)”.
Please register yourself or your employees with the Global Wind Organisation and provide us with your WINDA-ID or enter it directly when registering in our training portal. Registering for your WINDA-ID is very simple and only requires you to enter your name.
Training approaches and equipment:
Theoretical tasks with presentations and visualizations;
Group workshops;
Case studies;
Practical exercises in workshops;
Practical exercises using real life equipment;
Professional instructors with industry experience.
Course limitations: The maximum number of participants is 12 persons.
Check the course days on our calendar
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