GWO BTT combined 5 Modules (BTTM/BTTH/

Description of the course
Target group
The Basic Technical Training modules are targeted at candidates who have no previous experience of hydraulic, mechanical, electrical or installation systems, or working with energy powered bolt tightening, but may also be used to upskill candidates who have some knowledge but not of its application in wind turbines.
Course Aims
This BTT Training prepares participants for further company specific training by providing them with the necessary training to perform basic hydraulic, mechanical, electrical, bolt tightening and installation tasks.

Global Wind Organisation (GWO).
The price per package is 1905 EUR.
Certificate validity
Duration of the training course
The duration of BTT combined 5 Module is 7 days.
Delegate prerequisites
  • All personnel participating in Basic Technical Training shall be medically fit and capable of fully participating.
Training approaches and equipment:
  • Theoretical tasks with presentations and visualizations;
  • Group workshops;
  • Case studies;
  • Practical exercises in workshops;
  • Practical exercises using real life equipment;
  • Professional instructors with industry experience.
Course limitations:
The maximum number of participants is 12 persons.
Check the course days on our calendar
Course in pictures:
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