Target group The Basic Technical Training modules are targeted at candidates who have no previous experience of hydraulic, mechanical, electrical or installation systems, or working with energy powered bolt tightening, but may also be used to upskill candidates who have some knowledge but not of its application in wind turbines.
Course Aims and Objective The aim of this BTT Installation Module is to give the participants the knowledge and skills to carry out basic installation tasks (supervised by an experienced technician), using safe working procedures and the correct PPE.
After having successfully completed the BTT Installation Module, participants will be able to:
Recognise the main installation activities (Knowledge, basic level);
Discuss the overall risks and hazards associated with the installation environment (Knowledge, intermediate level level);
Discuss the checklist system throughout the complete installation process (Knowledge, intermediate level level);
Describe the characteristics of the installation environments (Knowledge, basic level);
Recognise the principles and standards for handling and storing goods and components onsite or within a storage area, before and after installation (Knowledge, basic level);
Discuss the basic principles of the lifting equipment (Knowledge, intermediate level level);
Describe the basic preparation of main components before installation (Knowledge, basic level);
Describe the basic mechanical completion (Knowledge, basic level);
Perform the basic electrical completion including the principles and standards for handling and installing cables (Skills, intermediate level level);
Describe the basic hydraulic completion (Knowledge, basic level);
Recognise the principles of operating external generators during installation (Knowledge, basic level);
Recognise the basis of how to do a handover to commissioning (Knowledge, basic level).
GWO BTT Installation Module is approved by Global Wind Organisation (GWO).
Student feedback mark Average student feedback mark for training course GWO BTT Installation (Riga): 4.83
Course contents Lesson 1 - Introduction; Lesson 2 - Introduction to Installation; Lesson 3 - General procedures for working onsite with installation; Lesson 4 - Installation environments; Lesson 5 - Handling and storing; Lesson 6 - Lifting operations; Lesson 7 - Main component preparation, pre-assembly and assembly; Lesson 8 - Principles of mechanical completion; Lesson 9 - Principles of electrical completion including cable work; Lesson 10 - Principles of hydraulic completion; Lesson 11 - Principles of operation with external generators; Lesson 12 - Introduction to handover to the commissioning; Lesson 13 - Summary and theoretical test; Lesson 14 - Training review.
Duration of the training course The duration of BTTI Module is 2,5 days.
Price The price is 900 EUR per person.
The price for 3 BTT modules (Mechanical, Electrical and Hydraulic) is 800 EUR. Price for full 4 BTT modules (Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Bolt Tightening) is 1255 EUR. Price for full 5 BTT modules (Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic, Bolt Tightening and Installation) is 1905 EUR.
“If I am honest it is hard to imagine any other facility anywhere in the Baltic States which stands equal to Novikontas!
Shortly, it says that all. The quality of the equipment they offer and the training they give to their trainees are superb. I’ve also been very impressed by the Sea and Survival Simulation Theater.”
" Great training center! Gave me many new skills and abilities. Thank you instructors! "
" Many thanks to the teachers, instructors, and assistants for their excellent work in my training. There were a lot of interesting and memorable things that will help me a lot in my further work at sea. If all my studies were like that. "
" I want to thank the instructors! The courses were very clear and interesting. I think this is the result of their work. I also liked it, attitude, service, and organization, you are all just great! "